Quarantine Storytime, THE END! 50 episodes of stories and love.


BACK in March with news of COVID-19 shutting down schools and non-essential businesses, I decided to reconnect with the former Pre-K teacher in me and start reading books everyday at lunch to kids and families stuck at home. I had to shut myself in my print shop (NO VISITORS ALLOWED) so I could channel my inner child, which is not that difficult. I am a giant toddler so it was like shootin’ fish in a barrel. With my trusty ukulele, silly voices, gum balls, and fuzzy Elmo head I was off to the races. Turns out that even though I set out with intentions of helping out quarantined families, that 30 min spot a day got me through my own crap as a solo quarantiner. I have been basically quarantining for years, I grow more and more introverted as the years zing by but I will be honest, my heart aches at having to walk away from this amazing little world I accidentally created.


So much uncertainty and scariness in the world and for half an hour a day it was safe, secure, and filled to the brim with love- and it was NOT just kids! Adults became glued to storytime too, I have a way of inserting my own commentary to ALL stories and it’s pretty good. Seeing friends tune in from Uruguay to Rome was bananas!


To hear kids quote me back to ME is a thrill I cannot explain.


After all is said and done I am humbled again by the love and hilarity that we all shared right smack dab in the middle of a pandemic. I am glad I had you guys to get me through and I will hold on to these memories forever. The old crappy gum ball machine, the telly, all my different accents, the coffee, BeeBooBee, the Ninjas and stuffed animals, the coloring contest, the songs, the silly stories, the butt books, the fart books, and the emojis, soooooo many emojis, the hats, “meow meow meow”, “What up dudes”, Cranktanks and Stinkerfaces, the NONSTOP hilarity and the tons of new wonderful friends. Thanks dudes. Love you all.

You can always go back and watch the reruns on my website HERE
