Getting to know the Benedictine Sisters

The things that really struck me spending time at the Sacred Heart Monastery was the sincerity of all the women that we met. Each of the conversations that I had with the Sisters was about their genuine appreciation for The Scroll and the fact that we brought it to Alabama. They were touched by the images I created in the work, they loved the image of the Singing Nuns, several mentioned how they could see themselves in that, also the Saint Benedict and Saint Scholastica, they LOVED their faces, which is one of my favorite images. They asked me what was my favorite passage, I like the way that Saint Benedict talked about work, listening carefully, walking in humility and the importance of hospitality, they live it well and were so kind and generous with their hospitality.

The conversations I had with these women were so memorable, one showed me the art she makes, another told me about her love of photographing old barns. The best part was Monday night after dinner was a “social” in the retreat center. I was so surprised when Sister Lynn said that there would be alcoholic beverages, I mean, I am a grown woman and I was giddy being able to drink with my new friends! I saw Sister Lynn get a double Knob Creek on the rocks! Dang Sister Lynn! How can you be this cool? We had great talks, took selfies and laughed about all sorta of stuff. It was a blast and the 8:00pm cutoff came way too early!

Mary Bruno